

From Mothers to Daughters, Skincare Traditions

From Mothers to Daughters, Skincare Traditions

In a day and age when more moms are bringing their ever-younger daughters for manicures and pedicures, never mind facials, I am surprised to see how little knowledge is passed on. like lost recipes (or the importance of keeping them alive to tell a family story) self-care, as passed from parent to child, should be cultivated.

2021-03-24 17:49:00


For centuries, poets and painters have romanticized the advent of spring – the parting of gray skies and budding of cherry blossoms; the freedom in baring arms and legs, raising faces to the sun. And the amorous awakening to love.

2021-03-23 20:27:00
Bath As Medicine

Bath As Medicine

Skin gets dry no matter how young you are, skin gets scaly no matter the season but especially over the winter, little spider veins peep through and l physical annoyances that aren’t actually relevant to anything feel suddenly important. So here is a step-by-step ritual for the smoothest, softest, bare spring legs. Boys and Girls hear me out.

2021-03-15 12:43:00
Live Life Fully, Shower First

Live Life Fully, Shower First

Some habitual abuses lead to great things. Shower, Daily. Focus on your technique, daily, in the morning (baths in the evening).

2021-02-17 20:44:00
The Gift

The Gift

Red Flower has been deeply influenced by timeless traditions of hospitality and gifting rituals from around the globe and we share those that have most deeply influenced us in hopes that they can help to bring guidance and meaning to your holidays. We are always looking, listening and trying to find more, so please share your stories with us; we will hold them dear.

2020-11-28 20:12:00
Slow Down

Slow Down

simple statements like “take time” and “red is everywhere. flowers are everything” that run through our culture, illustrate a quiet belief that slowing down and noticing can make all the difference.

2020-03-20 10:14:00
Sleep, a Nightly Ritual Not to be Overlooked

Sleep, a Nightly Ritual Not to be Overlooked

I am learning to ask the right questions and shifting my attitude around the real value and the ultimate health benefit of sleep.

2013-01-10 20:13:00