Bath As Medicine

Bath As Medicine

Bath As Medicine

Posted in: benefits

Yes, that is 7 steps, 7 layers, 7 textures, and more than 70 unique natural ingredients and 100’s of nutrients and benefits to the skin. So excited to experience.

If I stare at a flower in the sun for long enough I definitely feel more beautiful. If I smile openly and easily while walking down the street I feel happier. Summer feels loose and easy and long, for a moment every pain melts away and a perfect softness sets in. Here it is still Spring for a few more weeks but as some anonymous words from the airwaves sunk in I thought I heard “that here in the northeast Spring is a battle between Winter and Summer until Summer finally wins”.  I have long legs, I have been tall forever and I have passed tall along to my family. It always surprises me to see bare legs again in NYC suddenly as if they blossomed overnight after a single warm mist. Some legs were born ready and others need a little work. Beyond genetics and the workout, there are some essential basics for skin and tone that are deeply enjoyable and functional. Skin gets dry no matter how young you are, skin gets scaly no matter the season but especially over the winter, little spider veins peep through and l physical annoyances that aren’t actually relevant to anything feel suddenly important. So here is a step-by-step ritual for the smoothest, softest, bare spring legs. Boys and Girls hear me out.

"Spring is a battle between Winter and Summer until Summer finally wins”


In the bath or shower, soak or steam the whole body, a bath is ideal to reduce pressure from the feet and legs and be able to fully absorb the benefits of each ingredient but showering is equally enjoyable and a small stool can be carefully set in the shower to allow for stretching, application and setting.

organic birch mineral hydrotherapy soaking plunge
hinoki mint mineral bath soak

NOTE: Be generous with yourself and the amount of products you apply over the body.


In the bath or shower, soak or steam the whole body, a bath is ideal to reduce pressure from the feet and legs and be able to fully absorb the benefits of each ingredient but showering is equally enjoyable and a small stool can be carefully set in the shower to allow for stretching, application and setting.

organic birch mineral hydrotherapy soaking plunge
hinoki mint mineral bath soak


Start with a well-moistened Rice Buff, hold under warm shower or soak a small bowl of warm water. Massage and squeeze buff over toes, ankles and up calves and thighs  - feel Omega Fatty Acids slip into the skin as a gentle exfoliation and pure moisture soothes.

wild cherry blossom rice buff


Legs are prepped for the master exfoliator - filled with hand-milled berry seeds, mushrooms, earthy minerals, sea nutrients, algae, aloe, omegas  - there is no product this fluffy, soothing and exfoliating at once. Apply generously in circles energizing blood flow and removing dead skin cells from tips of toes to upper thigh. Gently rinse off.

bioactive berry white peat exfoliant

LEG MASQUE? ABSOLUTELY (Need a shave? try now)

Cover the feet and legs completely with Lymphatic Masque - lift feet out of water in bath or shower. Think about something relaxing for 2 minutes as the mushroom magic of this unbelievably effective replenisher. Addicted red flowerites say it soothes redness, reduces inflammation and swelling, calms irritation, restores skin glow, calms bikini area and shaving bumps, relieves sunburns and super boosts hydration. (if you are planning a shave best is to use a high-quality razor and shave while masque is applied - reapply masque directly after shaving for another minute or two) Do not rinse off, leave on under clay masque application.

lymphatic phytopower sea cleanser and masque


Get covered in rhassoul clay to even skin tone and tighten skin. This clay is so aromatic and silky smooth you might not be able to stop at legs. Blend a big handful with water and apply from toes to thighs and remove legs from water for a few minutes until clay dries slightly. Rinse off.

jasmine rose rhassoul clay


Step out of the bath or shower. Pat legs dry and mist with oxygenated Quince mist - full of vitamin C to tone and brighten legs.

orange quince steam mist


Seal in the benefits of the exfoliation and masque with two layers of moisture - richest omega fresh berry oil. Our spa partners use this in treatment to help reduce inflammation, reduce redness, water retention and puffiness, to protect and soften skin and improve overall skin healing.

cardamom amber oil
essential omega fresh berry oil serum


Our favorite tangerine butter fig cream improved with more buttery texture and rich protective benefits. Maybe best smell ever, slather generously from tips of toes to the tops of thighs.

tangerine fig butter creme


Begin by removing certified ethically-sourced palo santo wood from petal-topped candle and light in a small dish, this smoky aroma has such a rich folklore it's cloudy wisps feel centering

Light the palo santo candle is a warm, woody aroma associated with life-giving properties.

Replenished and pampered skin, feeling of soft ease. aromatherapeutic high.

Cleansed, replenished and hydrated skin, quiet mind and relaxed state of being, reduce muscle pain and tightness. reduce toxicity, inflammation and encourage lymphatic drainage. calm nervous system.

Delicate, gentle cleansing, restorative surge of moisture, naturally anti-oxidizing -  helps heal damaged skin, reduce skin disruptions resulting from the effects of hormonal shifts. Collagen boosting to leave skin plump-smooth, aromatic and radiant.

Relieve stress and melancholy and feel peaceful, comforted, relaxed and full of ease. 

Pause and raise feet for a few extra seconds, stretch and know summer is days away. Repeat weekly. It is life changing.

2021-03-15 12:43:00
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